Catalogue   +91-9830710083


Aircraft Instruments Trainer Model IT-01 is a full functional demonstration of the actual instruments used in aircraft. It includes standard flight instruments, engine instruments, and Pitot-Static instruments.

All instruments and systems are fully functional. The trainer is not only a tool for the instructor to demonstrate working principles; it also provides hands-on training to students.

As an option, flight line or workshop test equipment for the instruments may be supplied for hands-on maintenance training. The Model IT-01 Aircraft Cockpit Instrumentation Trainer is a functional simulation of an aircraft cockpit. It includes essential flight and engine instruments. All indicating systems are fully functional.

The system provides demonstration of the proper functioning of gyros, altimeter, and the standard engine instruments. It can also be used for teaching instrument removal and replacement.

All of the systems are completely plumbed and functional. Included is a provision for conducting pitot static system checks through a pitot test port and a static test port.

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