Catalogue   +91-9830710083

Variable speed air blower test rig (dynamometer type)

Variable speed air blower test rig (dynamometer type)
An experimental Centrifugal type air Blower suitable for experiments. It consists of interchangeable impellers of backward, radial and forward curved vanes, so that the effect of different types of blading could be well demonstrated. The approximate discharge of air is 30 cubic meter per minute at a pressure of 25cm of water column.   
Discharge measurement
One Orifice meter and a differential manometer of 1.0m height to measure the discharge.   
Pressure Measurment
Two number of pitot tubes mounted at the inlet duct and outlet duct to determine the total pressure developed at inlet and outlet of the blower. 
The Blower is coupled to an induction motor of  3HP. The Blower is coupled with a Dynamometer type motor with a stepped pulley arrangement to run at three different speeds, balance arm, dial type spring balance with a large size dial etc., to determine the input power of the blower. 
Digital temperature indicator to measure suction and delivery side temperature of the blower. 
Pressure gauges to measure stage pressure.

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