Catalogue   +91-9830710083

California Bearing Ratio Apparatus (hand Operated)

The C.B.R. Method is used for finding the relative bearing ratio and expansion characteristics of soil of base, sub-base and sub-grade for thedesign of roads, pavements and runways.


Test can be made on all types of soils including sand, gravel, crushed stone etc. (Passing through 20mm IS sieve) C.B.R. test is usedextensively for selection of materials and control of sub-grades. The procedure of test is very simple. A 50mm dia. penetration piston is forced in the test soilandloads required for the penetration to penetrate different depths are recorded by means of a proving ring fixed to the penetration piston assembly and a dial gauge. Both Laboratory C.B.R and field C.B.R apparatus are avaiLable.


The equipment consists one each of the following: load frame, Hand operated, Capacity 5000kg. with high and low rates of travel of the lead screw. Mould made from Gun0metal/Brass, 150mm internal dia. x 175mm high, with perforated base plate and extensioncollar 50mm high. Penetration piston, face dia. 50mm with adjustable bracket for penetration dial gauge. Circular metal space disc, 148mm dia. x 47.7mm high. With detachable handle.

Annular metal weight, 2.5k., 147mm dia. with 53mm dia. central hole. Slotted metal weight, 2.5kg. 147mm dia. with 53 dia. slot. Perforated plate made of Gun-metal/Brass 148mm dia. with adjustable stem and lock nut and a metal tripod for dial gauge. Cutting collar. Rammer 2.6kg weight with drop of 310mm. Rammer 4.89kg. with drop of 450mm. Supplied proving ring and dial gauge.

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